Publications & Presentations

Latest Publication

Congrats to our ARCT Lab authors, Dr. Michelle Arnold , Dr. Haley Calloway, Dr. Theresa Chisolm, and Dr. Sanchez! Along with co-authors across eight institutions, they report additional results from the ACHIEVE Study. This publication reports significant improved communication function with hearing intervention that was sustained through 3 years! The authors encourage older adults to be more aware of their hearing and treat hearing loss; and encourages healthcare providers to routinely check on hearing status and promote hearing intervention given the potential benefit on communication and other health outcomes.


List of Publications

  • Arnold, M.L., Schwartz, B.R., Neil, H.N., Chisolm, T., Sanchez, V.A. (2022).  Feasibility and Assessment of a Hybrid Audiology Service Delivery Model for Older Adult Hearing Aid Users: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Audiology.
  • Zhang.X., Trendowski, M.R., Wilkinson, E., Shahbazi, M., Dinh, P.C., Shuey, M.M., Regeneron Genetics Center, Feldman, D.R,Hamilton, R.J,Vaughn, D.J.,Fung, C.,Kollmannsberger, C., Huddart, R., Martin, N.E., Sanchez, V.A., Frisina, R.D,Einhorn, L.H.,Cox, N.J,Travis, L.B.,Dolan, M.E. (2022)Pharmacogenomics of Cisplatin-Induced Neurotoxicities: Hearing Loss, Tinnitus and Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy. Cancer Medicine
  • Arnold, M.L., Dhar, S., Lee, D.J., Perreira, K.M., Pupo, D., Tsalatsanis, A., Sanchez, V.AS., (2022).  Sex-Specific Prevalence, Demographic Characteristics, and Risk Factors of Tinnitus in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. American Journal of Audiology.
  • Arnold, M.A., Haley,W., Lin,F.R., Faucette, S.P., Sherry, L., Higuchi, K., Witherell,K., Anderson,E., Reed, N., Chisolm,T.H., Sanchez, V.A., (2021) Development, assessment, and monitoring of audiologic treatment fidelity in the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) randomized controlled trial.  International Journal of Audiology.
  • Molina, J. L., Joshi, Y. B., Nungaray, J. A., Thomas, M. L., Sprock, J., Clayson, P. E., Sanchez, V.A., Attarha, M., Biagianti, B., Swerdlow, N.R., Light, G. A. (2021). Central auditory processing deficits in schizophrenia: Effects of auditory-based cognitive training. Schizophrenia Research, 236, 135-141.
  • Arnold, M.L., Hyer, K., Small, B.J., Chisolm, T., Saunders, G.H., McEvoy, C.L., Lee, D.J., Dhar, S., & Bainbridge, K.E. (2021). Factors associated with self-perceived hearing handicap in adults from Hispanic/Latino background: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Ear and Hearing. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000995.
  • Merchant, G. R., Dorey, C., Porter, H. L., Buss, E., & Leibold, L. J. (2021). Feasibility of remote assessment of the binaural intelligibility level difference in school-age children. JASA Express Letters, 1(1). doi:10.1121/10.0003323
  • Peng, E. Z., Buss, E., Shen, Y., Bharadwaj, H., Stecker, G. C., Beim, J., Bosen, A., Braza, M., Dorey., C. M., Dykstra, A. R., Freyman, R., Gallun, F. J., Goldsworthy, R. L., Gray, L., Hoover, E. C., Ihlefeld, A., Koelewijn, T., Kopun, J. G., Mesik, J., Richards, V., Shub, D. E., Venezia, J. H., Waz, S. (2021). Remote testing for psychological and physiological acoustics: Initial report of the P&P Task Force on Remote Testing. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics.
  • Goman, A. M., Deal, J. A., Arnold, M. L., Chisolm, T., Coresh, J., Hayden, K. M., Owens, T.A., Pankow, J., Reed, N.R., Sanchez, V.A., Lin, F.R., Mosley, T.J.,& ACHIEVE Study Group. (2020). Hearing loss and cognition: A protocol for ensuring speech understanding in neuropsychological assessment: Hearing impairment and the aging brain: Mechanisms, practical considerations and the effect of treatment in older adults. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 16, e042883.
  • Arnold, M.A.,*Reichard, A.,*Gutman, K., Westermann, L., Sanchez, V.A.,(2020). Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Hearing Loss Self-Management Patient Education Materials: Development of the Caja de Instrumentos de Pérdida Auditiva, American Journal of Audiology. J;
  • Sanchez, V.A., Arnold, M. L., Reed, N. S.,*Oree, P. H.,*Matthews, C. R., Eddins, A. C., ... & Chisolm, T. H. (2020). The Hearing Intervention for the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Randomized Control Trial:Manualization and Feasibility Study. Ear and Hearing: April 2, 2020;doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000858
  • Wilson, R.H., & Sanchez, V.A. Effects of the Carrier Phrase on Word Recognition Performances by Younger and Older Listeners Using Two Stimulus Paradigms. J AmAcadAudiol. 2020;0. doi:10.3766/jaaa.19061
  • Arnold, M. L., Oree, P., Sanchez, V., Reed, N., & Chisolm, T. (2019). Development and Formative Assessment of the Hearing Loss Toolkit for Self-Management. In Seminars in Hearing (Vol. 40, No. 01, pp. 049-067). Thieme Medical Publishers. DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1676783
  • Arnold, M.L. (2019). Novel approaches to fostering hearing loss self-management in adults. Seminars in Hearing, 40(1), 003-006. doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1677049
  • Arnold, M.L., Hyer, K., Small, B.J., Chisolm, T., Saunders, G.H., McEvoy, C.L., Lee, D.J., Dhar, S., & Bainbridge, K.E. (2019). Hearing aid prevalence and factors related to use among older adults from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. JAMA Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery, 145(6), 501-508. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2019.043
  • Arnold, M., Hyer, K., Small, B., Chisolm, T., Frederick, M., Silverman, S., & Sauders, G.H. (2019). Development of a hearing help-seeking questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Audiology, 58 (5), 287-295. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2018.1535720
  • Saunders, G.H., Frederick, M.T., Silverman, S.C., Penman, T., Gardner, A., Chisolm, T.H., Escabi, C.D., Oree, P.H., Westermann, L.C., Sanchez, V.A. and Arnold, M.L., 2018. Hearing Screening in the Community. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
  • Sanchez, V.A., (2018) Emerging Interventions for Age-Related Hearing Loss: Review of the CLARITY-1 Trial Through the Description of the Pharmaceutical Development Phases. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 3(6),
  • Deal, J.A., Goman, A.M, Albert, M.A, Arnold, M.L., Burgard, S. Chisolm, T.H., Couper, D., Glynn, N., Gmelin, T., Hayden, K., Mosley, T., Pankow, J., Reed, N.S., Sanchez,V.A., Sharrett, R.A., Coresh, J., Lin, F.R., (2018). Hearing Treatment for Reducing Cognitive Decline: Design and Methods of the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) Randomized Controlled Trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. June 2018.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Hall, D. A., Millar, B., Escabi, C. D., Sharman, A., Watson, J. & Harris, P. (2018). Recruiting ENT and Audiology patients into pharmaceutical trials: evaluating the multi-centre experience in the UK and USA. International journal of audiology,
  • Abrams, H. B., Chisolm, T. H.Sanchez, V. A.Arnold, M. L., & Galster, J. A. (2018). Guest Editorial: Background and Rationale for Clinical Trial Registration. doi:10.1097/AUD.0000000000000550
  • Fausto, B. A., Badana, A. N. S., Arnold, M. L., Lister, J. J., & Edwards, J. D. (2018). Comparison of subjective and objective measures of hearing, auditory processing, and cognition among older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(4), 945-956. doi:10.1044/2017_JSLHR-H-17-0263
  • Deal JA, Albert MS, Arnold M, BangdiwalaSI, Chisolm T, Davis S, Eddins A, Glynn NW, Goman AM, Minotti M, Mosley T, Rebok GW, Reed N, Rodgers E, Sanchez V, SharretAR, Coresh J, Lin FR. A randomized feasibility pilot trial of hearing treatment for reducing cognitive decline: results from the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders Pilot (ACHIEVE-P) Study. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions.3.3 (2017): 410-415.
  • Arnold, M.L., Hyer, K., & Chisolm, T. (2017). Medicaid hearing aid coverage for older adult beneficiaries: A state-by-state comparison. Health Affairs, 36, 1476-1484. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.1610
  • Saunders, G.H., Frederick, M.T., Arnold, M., Silverman, S., Chisolm, T.H., & Myers, P. A. (2017). A randomized controlled trial to evaluate approaches to auditory rehabilitation for blast exposed Veterans with normal or near-normal hearing who report hearing problems in difficult listening situations. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. [in Press]. doi: 10.3766/jaaa.16143


  • Saunders, G.H., Frederick, M.T., Arnold, M., Silverman, S., Chisolm, T.H., & Myers, P. (2015). Auditory difficulties in blast-exposed Veterans with clinically-normal hearing. Journal of Rehabilitative Research and Development, 52(3), 343-360. doi: 10.1682/JRRD.2014.11.0275


  • Williams-Sanchez, V., McArdle, R. A., Wilson, R. H., Kidd, G. R., Watson, C. S., & Bourne, A. L. (2014). Validation of a screening test of auditory function using the telephone. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 25(10), 937-951.
  • Saunders, G.H., Frederick, M.T., Chisolm, T.H., Silverman, S., Arnold, M., Myers, P. (2014). Use of an FM system for veterans with blast exposure, perceived hearing problems, and normal hearing sensitivity. Seminars in Hearing, 35(3), 227-238.


  • O’Brien, J. L., Edwards, J. D., Maxfield, N. D., Peronto, C. L., Williams, V. A., & Lister, J. J. (2013). Cognitive training and selective attention Victoria A. Sanchez, AuD, PhD. Page 18 of  28 Revised 21 June 2022 in the aging brain: an electrophysiological study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(11), 2198-2208.
  • Eddins, D.A., Arnold, M., Klein, A.V., & Ellison, J. (2013). Individual variability in unaided and aided measurement of the acceptable noise level. Seminars in Hearing, 34(2), 118-127.


  • Williams, V.A., McArdle,R.A., Chisolm, T.H. (2012).Subjective and objective outcomes of a new BiCROS system. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 23:10, 789-806.DOI:10.3766/jaaa.23.10.5
  • Tun, P., Williams, V., Small, B., Hafter, E. (2012).Effects of aging on auditory and cognitive processing. American Journal of Audiology,21, 344-350.


  • Danhauer, J.L., Johnson, C.E., Newman, C.W., Williams, V.A., Van Vliet, D. (2011).An open letter to Dennis: We can do more to educate our patients about falls risk. Audiology Today,23:5,58-69.
  • Johnson, C.E., Danhauer, J.L., Newman, C.E., Williams, V.A. (2011). Problem with baby's hearing? An intervention checklist. Journal of Family Practice, 60(2), E1-7.


  • Johnson, C.E., Danhauer, J.L., Newman, C.E., Williams, V.A. (2009). Eye on the elderly. Screening for hearing loss, risk falls: a hassle-free approach. Journal of Family Practice, 58(9): 471-477
  • Williams, V.A., Johnson, C.E., Danhauer, J.L. (2009). Hearing Aid Outcomes: Effects of Gender and Experience on Patients’ Use and Satisfaction. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology,20:7, 422-432.


  • Johnson, C.E., Danhauer, J.L., Koch, L.L., Celani, K.E., Lopez, I.P., Williams, V.A. (2008). Hearing and Balance Screening and Referralsfor Medicare Patients: A National Survey of Primary Care Physicians. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology,19, 171-190.


  • Danhauer, J.L., Johnson, C.E., Finnegan, D., Hansen, K., Lamb, M., Lopez, I.P.,Meuel, C., Pecile, A., Resnick, S., & Williams, V.A. (2006).A case study of an emerging community-based early hearing detection and intervention program Part II: Team building with otolaryngologists and pediatricians using a survey approach. American Journal of Audiology,15, 33-45.
  • Danhauer, J.L., Johnson, C.E., Finnegan, D., Lamb, M., Lopez. I.P.,Meuel, K., Pecile, A., Williams, V.A., Gavin, R.B., Karns, S.R. & Latiolais, L.N. (2006).A national survey of pediatric otolaryngologists and early hearing detection and intervention programs. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology,17, 708-721.

List of Presentations

  • Oktela F, M. *Boyle, S., *Parliament, M.,, Arnold, M., Sanchez, V.A., (2023). Evaluation of Speech-in-Noise Tests Among Normal and Hearing Loss Listeners.  Poster Presentation at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 2023 Mid Winter Meeting. February 12, 2023; Orlando, Florida.
  • Sanchez V.A., Arnold, M., Neil, H., Faucetter, S., Reed, N., Lin, F., Chisolm, T., (2023). Baseline Hearing Characteristics of Participants Enrolled in the Aging and Cognitive Helth Evalution in Elders (ACHIEVE) Randomized Controlled Trials; Evaluations of Site and Recruitment Route Differences at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) 2023 Mid Winter Meeting. February 12, 2023; Orlando, Florida.
  • Lewis, C.L., Sanchez, V.A., Toman, J.T., Corvin, J., Arnold, M.L. (2022). Hearing Health Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs among Black Adults. Presentation at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) 2022 Annual Meeting. November 17–19, 2022; New Orleans, Louisiana. 
  • Shuey,M., Sanchez,V.A., Dinh, P.C, Monahan, P.O.,  Sesso, H.D., Dolan, M.E.,  Fossa, S.D., Einhorn, L.H.,  Vaughn, D.J., Martin, N.E., Fung, C., Frisina, R.D., Travis, L.B. (2022). Cisplatin-induced Tinnitus (CIS-TINN) and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adult-Onset Cancer Survivors. Abstract presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2022 Annual Meeting.  June 4-7, 2022; Chicago, IL.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Shuey, M., Dinh, P.C., Monahan, P., Sesso, H.D.,  Dolan, M.E., Fossa, S.,  Einhorn, L.E., Vaughn, D.J., Martin, N.E., Fung, C., Frisina, R.D.,  Travis, L.B. (2022). Impact of Cisplatin-induced Hearing Loss (CIHL) on Patient-Reported Social and Emotional Functioning. Poster Presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2022 Annual Meeting.  June 4-7, 2022; Chicago, IL.
  • Large, C.H., Kaar, S.J., Nottage, J., Sanchez, V.A., Sajjala, A., Sharman, A., van den Berg, F., Alvaro, G., Hutchison, J.B., Hirner, M., Anderer, P., Lagler, M., Friedrich, S., Howers, O.D., Umbricht, D. (2022). AUT00206, a Novel Kv3.1/3.2 Positive Modulator, Normalizes Gamma Oscillations in Patients with Schizophrenia. Presentation at the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) 2022 Annual Congress. April 6-10, 2022; Florence, Italy.
  • Arnold, M.L.A, Lee, D., Tsalatsanis, A., Sanchez, V., Perreira, K., Dha, S. (2022). Sex-Specific Prevalence, Demographic Characteristics, and Risk Factors of Tinnitus in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Poster Presentation at the American Auditory Society (AAS) 2022 Scientific and Technology Meeting. February 24, 2022; Scottsdale, Arizona.
  • *Boyle, S., *Parliament, M., Oktela, M., Arnold, M., Sanchez, V.A., (2022) . Evaluation of Speech-in-Noise Tests Among Normal and Hearing Loss Listeners.  Poster Presentation at the American Auditory Society (AAS) 2022 Scientific and Technology Meeting.  February 24, 2022; Scottsdale, Arizona. Resident and Graduate Student Mentored Research Poster Session Travel Award.
  • Moore, D., Robinson, J.M., Foster, A., Gull, J., Volsky, P.G., Sanchez, V.A., Anderson, J.J. (2022). Neurotrophin OTO-413 for hearing loss: Phase 1/2 clinical study. Podium Presentation at the American Auditory Society (AAS) 2022 Scientific and Technology Meeting.  February 24, 2022; Scottsdale, Arizona.  
  • Labib, K., Dorey, C., Parliament, M., Goodman, S., Lichtenhan, J., Sanchez, V. (2022). The Middle Ear Muscle Reflex Evoked from Sounds that Include Extended High Frequencies.  Presentation at the Florida Medical Association, 2022 David A. Paulus, MD Poster Symposium. August 4–7, 2022; Orlando, Florida. 
  • Boyle, S., Parliament, M., Arnold, M., Oktela F, M., Sanchez, V., (2022). Evaluation of Speech-in-Noise Tests Among Normal Hearing Loss Listeners. Poster presented at American Auditory Society in 02/2022.
  • Lamanna, J., Parliament, M., Oktela, M., Arnold, M., Sanchez, V. (2022) Pilot Study to Evaluate Cognition and Hearing Performance of Patients who could or do Utilize an Osseointegrated Device (OID). Poster presented at USF Health Research Day in 02/2022.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Robinson, J.M., Foster, A., Gull, J., Volsky, P.G., Moore, D., Anderson, J.J. (2021).  A First-in-Human Study of OTO-413, an intratympanic Sustained-Exposure Formulation of BDF, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss. 50th Annual meeting Society for Neuroscience (SfN 2021). Virtually presented November 8th, 2021. 
  • Shahbazi.M., Zhang, X., Dinh, P., Sanchez, V.A., Trendowski1, M.R., Shuey, M.M., Regeneron Genetics Center, Cox, N., Frisina, R.D., Travis, L.B., Dolan, M.E., For the Platinum Study Group. (2021, October) Clinical and Genome-Wide Association Analysis of “Speech Recognition Threshold” Following Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Survivors of Adult-Onset Cancer. Podium presentation at the 2021 Pharmacogenomics Global Research Network (PGRN) Symposium; Online October 18, 2021.  
  • Large CH, Sanchez VA, Sajjala A, Sharman AM, Howes OD, Kaar SJ, Umbricht, D. (2021, December). AUT00206, a First-In-Class Kv3 modulator, Improves Auditory, Processing in Patients with Schizophrenia. Poster presentation at the 2021 American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP); San Juan, Puerto Rico; December 5-8, 2021.
  • Volsky, P.G., Robinson, J.M., Blaj, A., Moore, D., Sanchez, V.A., Anderson, J.J. (2021, October) Phase 1/2 Study of neurotrophin OTO-413 for Hearing Loss. Poster presentation at the 2021 American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNSF); Los Angeles, California; October 3 - 6., 2021.
  • Zhang, X. Trendowski, M. Wilkinson, E., Regeneron Genetics Center, Feldman, D., Hamilton, R., Vaughn, D., Fung, C., Kollmannsberger, C., Huddart, R., Martin, N., Dinh, P., Frisina, R., Sanchez, V., Einhorn, L., Dolan, E., Travis, L. (2021).  Pharmacogenomics of cisplatin-induced neurotoxicities: Hearing loss, tinnitus and peripheral sensory neuropathy.  Oral Presentation at the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Presented June 4th, 2021.  
  • *Lugo-Reyes, N., Sanchez, V.A.Arnold, M.A. (2021). Development of a Spanish-Language Toolkit for Hearing Loss Self-Management: Focus Group Results.  Poster Presentation at the Annual University of South Florida, Undergraduate Research Conference.  Presented April 5, 2021.    
  • Arnold, M.A., Sanchez, V.A., *Introcaso, K., *Neil, H., Chisolm, T. (2021). Telehealth Service Delivery and Research Strategies: A Podcast Conversation.  Virtual Presentation at the Fifth International Meeting on Internet & Audiology.  Live Conference interaction, May 3rd, 2021.   
  • Kaar SJ, Sanchez VA, Sajjala A, Sharman AM, van den Berg F, Alvaro G, Hutchison JB, Large CH, Howes OD (2021, April). AUT00206, a Novel Treatment for Schizophrenia, Improves Auditory Mismatch Negativity and Hearing Performance in Patients. Oral Presentation during the Pharmaceutical Pipeline session at the 2021 Virtual Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS); Presented April 17-21, 2021. 
  • *Rooker J., Rutherford T., Anderson M., Sanchez V.A., (2021, March).  Routine Early Screening for Chemotherapy – Induced Hearing Loss and other Neuropathies in Patients Undergoing Cancer Treatment: A Pilot Study. SGO 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer.  March 19-21, 2021  
  • *Parliament, M., *Nye, T., *Introcaso, K., *Neil., H., *Lewis, C., *Schenley, M., The Otonomy Study Team, Boyev, K .P., Oktela, M., Szeto, T., Arnold, M., Bethune, E., Sanchez, V. (2021, February). Phase 1/2 Study of Neurotrophic OTO-413 for Hearing Loss. Virtual poster presentation at the USF Health Research Day 2021. Presented February 26, 2021. *Winner of the USF Health Research Day 2021 Clinical Presentation Award.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Sajjala, A., Sharman, A.M., Howes, O.D., Kaar, S.J., van den Berg, F., Alvarez, G., Hutchison, J.B., Large, C.H. (2021, February) Improvement in Otoacoustic Emissions and Speech-In-Noise Performance Among Patients with Schizophrenia Treated with AUT00206. Virtual poster presentation at the 2021 Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) MidWinter Virtual Conference. To be presented: February 20-24, 2021.
  • Sanchez V., Sajjala A., Sharman A., Howes O., Kaar S., van den Berg F., Alvaro G., Hutchison J., Large C. (2020, September) AUT00206 improves speech in noise recognition in patients with schizophrenia. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress 2020.
  • *Schwartz, B., *Neil, H., Arnold, M., Chisolm, T., Sanchez, V., (2020). A Pilot Assessment of eAudiology for Hearing Aid Follow-Up Appointments. Poster presented at The Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, Az. 
  • *Schwartz, B., *Neil, H., Arnold, M., Chisolm, T., Sanchez, V., (2020). A Pilot Assessment of eAudiology for Hearing Aid Follow-Up Appointments. Poster presented at USF Health Research Day, Tampa, FL 
  • *Shultz, J., *Van Berkum, V., Sanchez, V., Boyev, K.P. (2020) Yaw Axis Reorientation Using Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation in a Barany Chair. Poster presented at USF Health Research Day, Tampa, FL
  • Arnold, M. (2019). US Health Policy and Adult Aural Rehabilitation. Invited 1-hour seminar presented 11/21/2019 at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Convention, Orlando, FL.
  • Arnold, M. (2019). Hearing Loss in the Geriatric Population. Invited 1-hour seminar presented 6/27/2019 at the 21st Excellence in Geriatric Healthcare Conference, Tampa, FL.
  • Arnold, M., Hyer, K., Small, B.J., Chisolm, T., Saunders, G.H., McEvoy, C.L., Lee, D.J., Dhar, S., & Bainbridge, K.E. (2019). Hearing aid prevalence and factors related to use among older adults from Hispanic/Latino backgrounds: Findings from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL). Podium talk presented 3/2/2019 at the Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Oktela, M., Bethune, E., Wilson, R. (2019). The Effects of the Carrier Phrase on Word-Recognition Performances by Young and Older Listeners using Two Stimulus Paradigms. Poster presented at The Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Sajjala, A., Sharman, A., Howes, O., Reis Marques, T., Kaar, S., van den Berg, F., Hutchison, J., Large, C.H. (2019). Evaluation of Auditory Biomarkers in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Phase Ib study with AUT00206. Poster Presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) MidWinter Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, February  9 – 13, 2019
  • Arnold, M., Reichard, A. M., Sanchez, V., Westermann, L., Gutman, K., & Chisolm, T. H. (2018). Cross-cultural adaptation of hearing loss self-management patient education materials. Poster presented 3/2/2018 at the Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • *Oree, P., *Looney, M., Arnold. M.L., Sanchez, V., Chisolm, T., Ferguson. (2018) Americanization of C2Hear Reusable Learning Objects. Poster presented 3/2/2018 at The Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ. 
  • Sanchez, V.A., Boyev, K.P., Chisolm, T.H., Frisina, R.D., Large, C.H. (2018). Phase IIa Trial for Age-Related Hearing Loss: CLARITY-1 Results and Implications for Future Audiology-Related Pharmaceutical Trials. Poster presented at the USF Heath Research Day in Tampa, Florida; February 23, 2018. 
  • Sanchez, V.A., Sajjala, A., Sharman, A., Howes, O., Marques, T.R., Kaar, S., van den Berg, F., Hutchison, J., Large, C.H. (2018). Hearing Outcomes in a Phase Ib Clinical Trial Evaluating the Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Exploratory Pharmacodynamics of AUT00206 in Patients with Schizophrenia. Poster Presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) MidWinter Conference, San Diego, California, February  9 – 14, 2018.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Sharman, A., Thasma, S., Hutchison, J., Saeed,S.,  Large,C.H., Harris, P. (2018). Pilot Trial Exploring AUT00063, an Oral Modulator of Voltage-gated Potassium Channels, in Cochlear Implant Users: QuicK+fire.  Poster Presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) MidWinter Conference, San Diego, California, February  9 – 14, 2018.
  • Arnold, M. Sanchez, V., Reed, N., & Chisolm, T. (2017). Development of a hearing loss toolkit for self-management. Poster presented Poster presented 3/1/2017 at the Annual Scientific and Technology Conference of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Sharman, A., Thasma, S., Hutchison, J., Saeed, S.R., Large, C.H., Harris, P. (2017). QuicK+fire: Pilot Trial Exploring AUT00063, an Oral Modulator of Voltage-gated Potassium Channels, in Cochlear Implant Users. Podium Presented at the Aging & Speech Communication (ASC) International Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 5 – 8, 2017. 
  • *Oree, P.H., Arnold, M.L., Chisolm, T.C., Sanchez, V.A., *Escabi, C.D. (2017). Evaluation of a Hearing Loss Toolkit for Self-Management Poster to be Presented at the Aging & Speech Communication (ASC) International Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 5 – 8, 2017. 
  • Reed, N.S., Sanchez, V.A. (2017). The Influence of Accuracy of Hearing Aid Fitting on Speech-in-Noise Improvement. Poster Presented at the Aging & Speech Communication (ASC) International Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 2015 5 – 8, 2017.
  • Sanchez, V.A., Chisolm, T.H., Frisina, R.D., CLARITY-1 Consortium, Hutchison, J., Large, C.H. (2017). CLARITY-1 Trial Results and Implications for Future Audiology-related Pharmaceutical Trials. Poster Presented at the American Auditory Society (AAS) in Scottsdale, Arizona; March 03 – 07, 2017. 
  • Arnold, M., Sanchez, V., Reed, N., Chisolm, T.H. (2017). Development of a hearing loss toolkit for self-management. Poster Presented at the American Auditory Society (AAS) in Scottsdale, Arizona; March 03 – 07, 2017. 
  • *Escabi, C., Sanchez, V., Chisolm, T.H. (2017). An Evaluation of the QuickSIN and LiSN-S Tests Among Listeners with Age-Related Hearing Loss. Poster Presented at the American Auditory Society (AAS) in Scottsdale, Arizona; March 03 – 07, 2017. 
  • *Oree, P., Arnold, M., Sanchez, V., Chisolm, T.H. (2017). Evaluation of a hearing loss toolkit for self-management. Poster Presented at the American Auditory Society (AAS) in Scottsdale, Arizona; March 03 – 07, 2017. 
  • Sanchez, V.A., Frisina, R.D., Chisolm, T.H., *Riffel, C.D., CLARITY-1 Consortium, Thasma, S., Hutchison, J., Large, C.H. (2017). An Oral Modulator of Voltage-gated Potassium Channels (AUT00063) for the Management of Age-related Hearing Loss: Results from the CLARITY-1 Trial. Poster Presented at the Association for Research in Otolaryngology (ARO) in Baltimore, Maryland; February 11 – 15, 2017. 
  • Arnold, M., Saunders, G., Hyer, K., & Small, B. (2016). Application of the theory of planned behavior for explaining hearing help-seeking behaviors of older adults. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, November 18.
  • Arnold, M. (2016). Adult Hearing Aid Candidacy in the US. Invited presentation at the World Congress Audiology Scientific Meeting. Vancouver, Canada, September 21.
  • *Matthews, C., Lin, F., Sanchez, V., Arnold, M., Eddins, A., Reed, N., Chisolm, T. (2016). A Manualized Audiology Intervention for the ACHIEVE Trial: Can Hearing Intervention Slow Cognitive Decline? Poster Presented at The Scientific and Technology Meeting of the American Auditory Society in Scottsdale, Arizona, March 5 – 7, 2016. 


  • Arnold, M. & Hyer, K. (2015). Assessment of Medicaid hearing aid coverage for older adult beneficiaries: A state-by-state comparison. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, November 17-20.
  • Williams-Sanchez, V., *McAteer, B., *Craig-Ashley, K., *Brandino, A., Arnold, M., Chisolm, T. (2015).  Audiologic profile of individuals with Friedreich’s Ataxia. Poster Presented at The Scientific and Technology Meeting of the American Auditory Society in Scottsdale, Arizona, March 5 – 7, 2015. 


  • Williams-Sanchez, V., Maxfield, N., Chisolm, T., McArdle, R., Lister, J. (2014).  Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Speech-in-Noise: A Look at Top-down and Bottom-up Processes. Poster Presented at The American Academy of Audiology – AudiologyNOW! in Orlando, Florida, March 26 – 29, 2014.


  • Saunders, G., Gallun, F., Hutter, M., Lewis, M., Frederick, M., Arnold, M., Chisolm, T., Myers, P. & Leek, M.. (2013). Processing & Rehabilitation Following Blast Exposure & Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). Poster presented at the ASHA Annual Convention. Chicago, IL, November 14-16.
  • Gaschler, K., Williams, V., McArdle, R., Wilson, R., Lister, J. (2013).  Memory and Speech-in-noise performance as a function of task difficulty in veterans.  Poster Presented at The American Academy of Audiology – AudiologyNOW! in Anaheim, California, April 3 – 6, 2013. 


  • Ganio, J., Williams, V., & McArdle, R. (2012).  Audio-visual assessment among veteran listeners with hearing loss.  Presentation at the Joint Defense Veterans Audiology Conference (JDVAC) in Dallas, Texas, March 19-21, 2012.   


  • Teahen, M., Saunders, G.H., Chisolm, T.H., Myers, P., Silverman, S., Arnold, M. (2011). Rehabilitation for Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Subjective Outcomes. Poster presented at the 5th Biennial NCRAR Conference Expanding Our Horizons: Medical Conditions and Audiology. Portland, OR, October 12-14.
  • Arnold, M., Saunders, G., Myers, P., Chisolm, T.H., & Teahen, M. (2011). Evaluation of approaches to auditory rehabilitation for mild traumatic brain injury. Podium talk presented at the 6th Annual International Aural Rehabilitation Foundation Conference, St. Petersburg Beach, FL, May 24-26.
  • Williams, V. & McArdle, R. (2011).  Speech perception & research tools/instrumentation for assessing speech perception.  Invited presentation given to Introduction to Speech Science at USF Sarasota-Manatee, Sarasota, Florida, November 2011. 
  • Williams, V. & McArdle, R. (2011).  Research Blitz: Current projects at the Bay Pines VA Auditory Research Laboratory.  Presentation at USF Ground Rounds, Tampa, Florida, October 2011.
  • Williams, V., Maxfield, N., Lister, J., O’Brien, J. (2011). Behavioral and neural correlates of speech in noise perception.  Poster presented at Aging and Speech Communication – International Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, October 2011.  
  • Lister, J., Nijeh, D., O’Brien, J., Williams, V., Edwards, J. (2011).  Effects of auditory training and music background: A CAEP study of older adults. Invited presentation given at Aging and Speech Communication – International Conference, Bloomington, Indiana, October 2011. 
  • O’Brien, J., Lister, J., Edwards, J., Maxfield, N., Williams, V., Peronto, C., Gagnon, E., Valdes, E., Mcnee, C. (2011). Improving Speed of Processing and Attentional Allocation in Older Adults via Cognitive Training. Poster presented at Society of Psychophysiological Research (SPR), Boston, Massachusetts, September 2011. 
  • O’Brien, J., Lister, J., Edwards, J., Maxfield, N., Williams, V., Peronto, C., Gagnon, E., Valdes, E., Mcnee, C. (2011). Improving Speed of Processing and Attentional Allocation in Older Adults via Cognitive Training. Poster presented at Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society (ESCoNs), San Francisco, California, September 2011.
  • O’Brien, J. L., Edwards, J. E., Maxfield, N. D. M., Karidas, S., Williams, V.A., & Lister, J. J. (2011, May).  Effects of cognitive training on attention allocation and speed of processing in older adults: An ERP study. Poster presented at the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, Naples, Florida.
  • Williams, V., Lister, J., O'Brien, J., Maxfield, N., Nikjeh, D. (2011, April). Auditory training: Evidence in the P-N1-P2 cortical potentials.  Poster presented at AudiologyNOW! 2011, Chicago, IL.


  • Myers P.J., Saunders G., Chisolm T.H., & Arnold, M. (2010, December). Evaluation of Approaches to Auditory Rehabilitation for Mild TBI. Poster presented at the Sixth Annual VA Blast Injury Conference, Tampa, FL, December 17.
  • Lister, J., Nikjeh, D., O'Brien, J., Williams, V., Edwards, J., (2010, November).  Neurophysiological Manifestations of Age-related Deficits in Perception of Time and Frequency. Invited presentation given at the American Speech-Language and Hearing Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.    
  • Gonzalez, V., Lister, J., Roberts, R., McArdle, R., Chisolm, T., Williams, V., & Weinbaum, K. (2010). Effects on age and hearing loss on temporal resolution and word recognition in noise. International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening, Lake Como, Italy; Global Research Poster Session: Showcasing USF International Research, Tampa, FL. 
  • Gonzales, V., Lister, J., Roberts, R., McArdle, R., Chisolm, T., Williams, V., Weinbaum, K. (2010). Effects of age and hearing loss on temporal resolution and word recognition in noise. Poster presented at 2010 Adult Hearing Screening Conference, Lake Como, Italy.  


  • Lister, J., Roberts, R., Krause, J., Chisolm, T., Carr, P., Gonzalez, V., Houze, S., DeBiase, D., Carlson, H., Brooks, A., & Williams, V. (2009). Assessment and rehabilitation of temporal resolution: a new clinical tool. Poster presented at the 2009 AHSA Convention in New Orleans, LA.  


  • Johnson, C.E., Latiolais, L.N., Danhauer, J.L., Celani, K.E., Lopez, I.P., & Williams, V.A. Physicians’ Hearing/Balance Screens/Referrals of the Elderly.  Poster presented at the 2007 AudiologyNOW! Convention and Exposition in Denver, CO.  
  • Boolos, C., Crouse, M., Ivey, A., Jacobs, A., Karns, S.R., Latham, N., Noble, H., Reith, A., Johnson, C., Danhauer, J., & Williams, V. (2006).  Health-related quality of life, cochlear implants, and the elderly: A systematic review.  Poster presented at the 2006 AudiologyNOW! Convention and Exposition in Minneapolis, MN.

ARCT Lab Presentations