OBJECTIVE: Anemia and Proteobacteria-dominant intestinal dysbiosis in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants have been linked to necrotizing enterocolitis, a severe gut inflammatory disease. We hypothesize that anemia of prematurity is related to the development of intestinal dysbiosis.
STUDY DESIGN: Three hundred and forty-two weekly stool samples collected prospectively from 80 VLBW infants were analyzed for bacterial microbiomes (with 16S rRNA). Linear mixed-effects model was used to determine the relationships between the onsets of anemia and intestinal dysbiosis.
RESULTS: Hematocrit was associated with intestinal microbiomes, with lower Hct occurring with increased Proteobacteria and decreased Firmicutes. Infants with a hematocrit <30% had intestinal microbiomes that diverged toward Proteobacteria dominance and low diversity after the first postnatal month. The microbiome changes were also related to the severity of anemia.
CONCLUSIONS: This finding supports a potential microbiological explanation for anemia as a risk factor for intestinal dysbiosis in preterm infants.